Transfusion module

Transfusion module



Let's see the field of transfusions and donations. Here we are going to go to the patient's profile, transfusions and donations, and here it will show us, for example, if the patient made donations. If the patient requires a transfusion we will go to a new transfusion, we will enter the type of product, for example if it is whole blood, plasma, frozen plasma.
We select the patient, the volume that we are going to administer, crossmatch if it is negative or positive, if it was not performed, the reason for receiving the transfusion and observations. There the transfusion is performed and will remain in the patient's profile. We can also edit the profile, when receiving transfusions directly the option that you have a transfusion will be checked.
If the patient is a donor we must also check there so that it appears when we make a donation.

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