Task board

Task board



We are going to see the task board in task board boards we are going to be able to view this screen and add tasks we can assign tasks to the different users we are simply going to add a new task we put the title for example take inventory and here we can put a description then edit what user we want to assign that task and we click new then the task is done then we can move them depending on how the task goes, for example this task, take inventory once it is in process, we can move it here, after it is completed, we can move it and once it was verified that it was already done, we move it to verified we can also open it, see when it was created if the task was moved from the board, the history will be shown when it was moved to the progress board to completed and when It was verified and we can edit the description add notes or also if we choose the wrong user, we can modify it we also want to delete it, we can open it and click on archive then it is deleted from the board then, here we can select by user, for example I come and I want to verify my tasks I'm going to filter and it's only going to show me my tasks. In this case, it's only going to show those tasks. Hey, if we want to see all the tasks, we have all of them and then we can see the task history. We can filter by the name of the task or to whom. assigned or who created it the date and by completed tasks, there we click on search and it will search for us. For example, these two are two that I filed and I can see from a glance, the entire history of the task, also if I made a mistake when When I delete it I can restore it and it will go back to the dashboard, and that's the whole task board function .

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