How to download a patient's medical history?

How to download a patient's medical history?



To download patient records we are going to go to patients, search list we are going to search for the patient we are going to open their file and here in the two dots we are going to be able to print and we can also do it from the menu on the right where it says print and in In both cases, the patient's history will appear with their data, for example, birth data , basic data, what race they are, what weight they have at the time of downloading it, how old they are , and all the history of consultations they have had within the system. It will also appear if you have specialty controls within the consultations, for example , if you have been given a prescription within that consultation and at the end, the vaccines that the antiparasitics have been applied will also appear and if we have any in the files part We will also be able to download the image there, we can print it or download it to the computer so we can send it.

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