How to view the history of product modifications?

How to view the history of product modifications?



Let's see the modifications within the inventory products. For example, I'm going to go to a product, I'm going to put show and at the end we're going to see this little button that says see modifications. Here we are going to see the details, the modifications of the product.
For example, in this case a change was made in the price. And here it tells us what the previous value was and the value to which it was modified. We will also be able to see the user and the moment in which they made the modification.
The same thing, for example in this case, the expiration of this product was modified from this previous value to the new one. And here in this modification there was a change in the stock of the product and also in the price list. Price list number 1 went from 0 to 10% and quantity went from 101 to 50.
In this way we can have better control of the stock and movements within the inventory.

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