We are going to see how to add consumption to patients, this for example helps us when we arein a visit, for example we are carrying out a consultation with a patient andsome medication, a vaccine or others is applied, we can go to the consumption part of thepatient, what we are going to do is select the patient and we are going to add the consumptionsthat we are applying to him, once we have the consumptions of the visit ready, we save themand they will remain in the patient's consumption part and then we can collect them, thisalso works when the patients are hospitalized, we want to keep trackof what we are applying, we can apply them to the consumption in this way, oncethe consumption is sent to be collected, it is deducted from the inventory and we have better controlthat it was applied to each patient, we will have the example of this consumption that has already beencharged and I need to eliminate it, we can eliminate it, if it has already gone through a sale we eliminate it withoutsubtracting from the stock so that it is not deducted from the stock twice, If it did not go through a sale,we can subtract it from the stock and eliminate itand in this way we can later add consumption to other patients.
Video Transcription Patient consumption, we are going to see this function in the right menu, patient consumption, here we are going to be able to first select the patient and we are going to be able to add products , for example a vaccine that was ...
What is the Patient Consumption function used for? The patient consumption function is used to create a list of products and/or services that apply to the patient so that they can later be charged. The patient consumption function can be used at any ...
Video Transcription The consumption of the patients once they were sent to collect must be eliminated, this is because if, for example, we have already charged for this consumption and the patient returns, we will see that the consumption continues ...
Patient consumption can be used at any time and serves to assemble a list of all products or services applied to the patient so that they can subsequently be collected. How to enter a new consumption of a patient? To enter a new consumption you must ...
Video Transcription To collect patient consumption, for example, once we save the consumption we are within the visit and the person who collects it is someone who is at reception, we are going to go to the main board and the latest consumptions will ...