How to use the Communications section?

How to use the Communications section?



The communications function, for example, we are going to go to a patient's file and we are going to see that almost at the end is the communications section, this section helps us to have a record of what is communicated, for example, to the client in this In the case of pĂ­poca, for example, we want to have a record, a call was had with the client, a certain doctor spoke with that client, the client's name will appear by default, the client that is associated with the patient and if we talk to another person we can change it and We are going to write down what was said, the message that was given to the client and the client's responses to have it as a reminder, after we complete it we save it and it will be saved in the communications part, this way there We can view it and then we can also modify it later also in the hospitalizations part when we have a new hospitalization we will be able to go either from the patient's client file or from hospitalization hospitalizations and we will be able to view the hospitalization, here we will have it in the menu upper right also the communications option to be able to save communications that have been made about the hospitalization and it works in the same way, we select the type of communication if it was by phone whatsapp or sms or email and which doctor made the communication or which user, the name of the person with whom we spoke the message that was sent and the message that was received and we are going to save it there and it will remain within the hospitalization, if we go to communications we will be able to see that communication within the hospitalization and also if We go to the patient's file, in this case we are going to be able to go to communications and it is also saved in communications and here it shows us that it was during a hospitalization.

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