How to use price lists?

How to use price lists?



Let's see how to apply different price lists for the same product. In this case I am going to go to this product, edit it and we will see that the price list appears here. We have, we can upload up to four different price lists.
Let's, for example, I'm going to set the price list to have, price list one have an increase of 10%. Price list two will have a 10% increase and discount. In price list three I will have a 20% increase and in price list four a 20% discount.
There we update and then when I go to make a sale what I do is select the price list. So on the final price of the product I want this sale to have a 10% discount. I am going to apply price list two, I am going to select the product and there it will automatically give us the discount.
If, for example, I select price list one, I am going to select the product again, there it will make an increase of 10%. So we can use this, for example, in the event that they have an increase due to credit cards, for example, if a person comes to buy with a credit card and has a 10% increase, I know that I am going to use the list of number one prices to be able to apply that 10% automatically.

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