How to register an expense to a supplier?

How to register an expense to a supplier?

How to add a new expense?

To register a new expense you must enter the section:
  1. Sales and Stock
  2. Bills
Here you will see, at the top, a search box where you can use different filters to search for the desired expense. And at the bottom, the list of expenses.

To enter a new expense you must click on the " New expense " button. Once there, the expense information is completed, you can even upload an invoice as a file and enter its expiration date.

Once all the data is completed, click " Save ".

How to fully or partially pay off an expense?

On the next screen you will see all the data of the added expense and you will be able to add partial payments or pay off the entire debt.

Note: The expenses added in this section do not modify the cash registers.

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