How to create branches of the same veterinarian?

How to create branches of the same veterinarian?



We are going to see how to create a branch from our administrative account, we are going to go to configuration, branches and we are going to create a new one. There we are going to put first and last name, an email, password and confirm the password. Then name of the branch, address, city, province and country.
And there we keep. When we save it, they will be able to log in with that email and password to a new administrator account, where they will be able to have a free month like all accounts, then they will choose the plan they need. Each branch pays for its own plan and what is beneficial is that by creating a branch they will share patients and clients and will be able to synchronize inventory.
Here we will be able to see that we can add the products and it will ask us if we want to add the products that do not exist and if we want to update the sales prices of the products. So we are going to synchronize here, I have the other branch's account open and we are going to see that we share all the products with the same prices. Every time we synchronize the prices will be updated.

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