How to create and use certificate templates?

How to create and use certificate templates?



We are going to see how to create a new template of certificates and consents, we are going to go to tools, certificates and consents and we go to new template, here we go to new template and we are going to be able to create a document that we can later use for future certificates and consents, For example, in this case for a surgery, we are going to put the name of the template and here we are going to put, for example, these are the variables that we can use that the system is going to complete or ask us for when we start the certificate, for example, the name of the client, we are going to put the text, in this case the name of the client, we are going to put the document and here we put, in this case, for example, I chose to put, I give my consent for my pet to name and here we can put the name of the pet so that it is replaced by the name of the pet when we create the certificate. Then, well, so that it undergoes surgery and there we can put all the text we want and, for example, we can put the text there, there we are going to put the data that we need to be replaced and, for example, at the end I am going to put the name of the veterinarian's registration number and here I am going to put, for example, that it requires a signature from both the veterinarian and the client and we are going to save it. In this case this is the template, it will look like this and when we want to use it, for example, we will go to a new certificate, we will choose the patient and in this case it has already been selected, the templates that we create They will appear in their own, we are going to select that one, we are going to start and there they ask us for the data that is going to go in the document, for example, the license plate number that I put at the end and the name of the owner and the name of the patient, it is already placed because I selected it at the beginning and, for example, the identification of the owner, there we click continue and the consent is created, for example, the name, the identification is replaced, here my pet named Pipo and at the end we put the name of the veterinarian and the registration and so we can create certificates and modify them as we need to speed up the part of making consents and that we already have the text ready as we always use it, then when we finish we update and the document.

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