How to create a new form for a companion method?

How to create a new form for a companion method?



We are going to see complementary methods, for that we are going to go to configuration, complementary methods and we are going to see that these are tabs where we can load tests, for example, blood count, urinalysis GVET already has some loaded and we can do our own, for example For example, let's go again, we're going to put a name and we're going to be able to add fields, for example, texts, files, multiple options in lists, make a group and, for example, we're going to put a file, so here it's going to ask us a name we are going to add a field help and we are going to add then when we go to the patient file and add, we will be able to load the image and well, complete the rest of the fields that we want to add, once we have it as we want, We save it and then, we go to complementary methods, it will appear here we can also copy the ones that are already there if we need to modify a field for example, we are going to go to the blood count, we are going to copy this is how the blood count is, maybe we We need some other field that we want to add so we will be able to modify it and once we have it as we want, we save it now, to use them, we are going to go to a patient's record and we are going to see complementary methods, there we are going to put new and We are going to be able to choose between those that we already have loaded by choosing one, we are going to put create and there we are going to be able to complete all the fields once completed, we are going to save them and they will remain there, in the patient's file, in methods complementary.

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