Let's see the sales and stock expenses module, expenses. Here we are going to go to new expenseand we are going to generate the expense. For example, the total expense,which supplier the date and time correspond to, we can put observations,for example, if we have a payment deadline and if they have an invoice number,we can add it there and also if we have the invoice document,we can upload it and attach it with that expense.Here we save and we already have the new expense created.
To create a new budget you must do it from: Sales and Stock Sales Budgets Here you will see the search box with the different filters and also the list of the generated quotes. To create a new one you must click on the " New quote " button Once ...
Video Transcription we are going to see how to use the certificates and consents tool we are going to go to tools, certificates and consents and new certificate here we are going to put the name of the patient the type of certificate, the ones we ...
Video Transcription Let's see how to schedule a new appointment or reminder. Let's go to appointments and reminders, again. Here we are going to select the user, if we have active user selection from configuration and then we will be able to assign ...
To generate a new complementary methods form, the administrator user must do so from: Setting Complementary Methods There you will see the list of all existing forms, both those that are already loaded in the system by default and those that you ...
Video Transcription Well now we are going to see how to create a new client, we are going to go to clients, list, search and new, here we are going to put their data such as name and surname, email, if we want them to receive reminders, there is, for ...