How to create a new client in the system?

How to create a new client in the system?



Well now we are going to see how to create a new client, we are going to go to clients, list, search and new, here we are going to put their data such as name and surname, email, if we want them to receive reminders, there is, for example, an example of clients who They do not want to receive reminders so we uncheck that option, then the telephone number as in the example with the plus and the country characteristic, telephone number if it has a landline, then address, city, identification, if there is a veterinarian who is referring it, then debt that This debt is always modified manually by entering the client's file when we edit it, we edit the debt, then if we want the client to have special prices we can check the option and then when charging the client we can add special prices, in the case of data In billing we can put the data to take into account when billing and in alternative names we will be able to put nicknames for example, the client for example is known as Pepe and we always call him Pepe so when filtering it to search for it the clients will We will be able to filter it by the nickname and here at the end we will be able to add it if we have plans added from the system we will be able to charge it monthly for example plan 2 and the day on which the plan will be charged for example the 5th of each month and there we save it once we save it the client file will look something like this in case we want to delete clients the clients do not have to have any patient associated with them and the delete button will appear and there we can delete .

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