How to create a monthly plan for associated clients?

How to create a monthly plan for associated clients?



Well, now we are going to go to the associated plans section. This feature is used when we want to charge clients a fixed amount per month. We are going to go to configuration, associated plans, to create new plans.
Where? We are going to create a new one and we are simply going to put a name and the amount we want to charge customers and save. If we want to delete a plan, we simply go to the pencil and delete it. This will influence the clients that have it associated, that is, the clients that have the plan that we are going to eliminate associated will no longer have it.
And well, once we have the plan, we will be able to go to the clients and associate them. For example, we are going to associate it with a client, we are going to go to edit and at the end the monthly plan option will appear. There we are going to select the plan that we want to charge and the day on which the client is going to pay us for the plan.
We are going to update and we can now see it in your file. There, the plan that pays and the payment day. And next to it this little symbol will appear, where we will select the month that the client pays us and the year.
Then we will record the payment. Once we register the payment, we will go to the plan fee and we will be able to send it to the cart to collect it in a new sale. Then, in the clients section we have the plan debtors section, where we will be able to see by month the clients who owe us that month.
Specifically the associated plans. And this is how this section is used.

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