How to create a guest user?

How to create a guest user?



Well, now we are going to see the guest mode in the system users, here I have a system user open and we are going to activate the guest mode. Here we can configure the time in which we want him to enter until the end, that is, this user can enter from 12 pm to 4:35 pm, after that time he will not have access to the system, he will not be able to enter. Another thing is that these users that we have in guest mode will not be able to delete client or patient information, they will not be able to print pdfs and we can also configure so that their password is changed every certain day, for example, if We leave it at never, the password will not be changed, but for example we can choose a day of the week, for example Monday, where there will be a password change, that is, every Monday we will have to enter the system and We from the administrator add a new password so that that user can enter, otherwise they will not be able to enter.

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