How to add suppliers?

How to add suppliers?



We are going to see how to add a new supplier to our list, we are going to go to sales and stock, suppliers and we are going to add supplier, here we are going to put the name, telephone number, address and email and we click on add and it is saved in our list, having the suppliers helps us at the time of inventory, we can add to the products which supplier it belongs to and also generate purchase orders and expenses to the suppliers to have better control, knowing which suppliers such expenses are made to , which products belong to the supplier and have the agenda at hand to have all the supplier's data, to edit them we are going to go to lapisito and we will be able to edit the data, once we edit it we save it or if we want to delete the supplier we give it In delete, if we want to see the data we go to the little eye where I showed and see, for example, this supplier I have the data and all the expenses that I made with this supplier, the purchase orders that I have with the same supplier and to filter it we can filter it by the name, by telephone, address or by email.

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