How to add indications, notes and parameters in a hospitalization?

How to add indications, notes and parameters in a hospitalization?



To view and edit a hospitalization, for example we are going to go to the hospitalization, if we want to edit any of these parameters we are going to go to edit and there we will be able to edit those items that we had already loaded and here also within the hospitalization we will be able upload medication instructions, for example a medication must be applied, the type of dose, the type of route, the frequency with which that medication is going to be applied, which will be in hours, for example every 12 hours, when it starts the treatment, for example today and how long that treatment lasts, in days, for example this treatment will last three days, so when we save it the system will show us here in indications what we loaded and in administration it will show us all the dose that must be applied, when a dose is applied we can go and apply it, for example we have already applied this dose, we go and apply dose, then we will then have control of which user applied the dose and at what time it was applied, We can also add notes on how the patient is progressing , for example, dressings were performed and bandages changed, here we can also use the resource of dictating it by voice and making the notation by voice and also if we have, for example, the WhatsApp service active, we will to be able to send this note to the client, then we say that we want to notify the client and we save the note and in that case the added note is sent directly , well in this case I do not have active WhatsApp but otherwise I would say that the WhatsApp message was sent correctly to the client and it is saved in notes, then we can also add parameters, for example heart rate, urine temperature, respiratory rates, we can also add other parameters, we put the name, the value and we add them and they will be saved within parameters, then we will also be able to save communications, that is, there was a communication, for example by telephone, with the client in the event that it was, for example, a relative of the client and not directly the owner of the pet, it is noted who it was with. He sent the message that was given to him and the message that he received and they can save it in communications to have it within the hospitalization.

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