How to charge a visit?

How to charge a visit?



To charge for a visit, within the visit we are going to enter the price of the consultation, when we finish the visit, we save it, the file will appear like this and here we will be able to add to the next sale. We can also do it from the list of visits, if we go to services visits the list of visits will appear, for example here it tells me that the payment is pending and we are going to send it to the next sale in the same way . Another option is also on the main dashboard, it will appear in recent visits, this for example helps us when the person who charges is someone different from the person in the consultation, for example at reception, and you will be able to see the latest consumption and the last visits, then it directly goes to the main dashboard, sees the last visits and in this case sends it from the cart to a new sale.
We are going to go to a new sale and it will appear to collect it and there we will be able to generate the sale and we will collect it.

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