Report Description

Report Description



We are going to see the reports part, in reports we are going to see, for example, the daily report, here we are going to be able to see all the movements of the day, we are going to be able to filter by day and see, for example, the expenses and sales that were made on that day and a summary of the entire day, for example expenses, taxes, total profits and this report can be downloaded, then we have the monthly report where we can see by month a graph for example of sales, inquiries, visits aesthetics, daycare, expenses and you can download the report as a template by month, for example the month of October and here we can download by income, sales, discriminated taxes, visits and aesthetics, then we have sales by category, here we It will show by category which products are sold the most, for example in this case medicines and it will show us the total sales and we can also see this report by month, for example by choosing the month, in this case November, It is going to show us the total income by categories, then we have products sold, here it is going to show us the products that were sold, for example last year, the total, the total sales of this year, total sales of last month, total sales for this month and thus it makes a comparison, for example it tells us when the last one was sold, the category, the supplier and there we can see the products sold, here we can search for it by name and we will be able to filter it and we can also see by branch the products sold after sales products here we are going to see which user sold them we are going to see which user sold it, the quantity, the price, the product, we are going to be able to filter by date by user who made the sale and we will also be able to download them, after the daily report we recommend that you do not use it because it was the daily report that was used before, but that you use the daily report 2.0, in electronic invoices when you have active electronic invoicing you will be able to see all the invoices that were validated and filter them by day by user who made it and then we have expense payments, here you will see all the expense reports to suppliers, it will show us the expenses by supplier, we will be able to see expense by expense, filter by keywords or by date, this report can also be downloaded, then we have aesthetic income, all the income and some statistics, for example, which payment methods are most used for aesthetic visits, which users are the ones more make visits later, for example by species, by sex, and here we will be able to see all the aesthetic visits, see, for example, the totals that we do not have payments for, or the total income, and here we will be able to filter by user who made the visit and by date. , this report can also be downloaded in spreadsheet mode and then we have visit income which is similar to the aesthetic income where we will be able to see the statistics with graphs and see all the aesthetic visits and also see the amounts that are not paid and the total income and also filter and download daycare income also similar with the statistics and in this we add, for example, this graph where we see, for example, how many patients we have had per day, patients admitted per month and see a comparison to see what days and what months They are the ones with the most income. This report cannot be downloaded. Then in the services part we have the attendance report where it will show us all the visits we have and those that are complete or incomplete it will show us here. When the patient attends the consultation and we set to complete the reminder we will have data to be able to complete to be able to really see how many patients attend the consultations that are scheduled after the visit report here will show us in a graph, for example within the month of January, how many visits there were. This report cannot be downloaded, it is simply a graph so that we have an idea of how visits are progressing or increasing depending on the month. Then the new patients report where it will show us the graph per month how many patients there were, for example in the month of June there were 3 new patients in the month of October 1 in the month of August 1 in the month of October 2 and so on we go seeing how many patients we have had. This cannot be downloaded either and then we have the vaccine report where we can filter by type of vaccine by date and search well here then we have in the other area of influence part and we will be able to see a map this will to take the addresses of the patients and will give us an estimate of our area of influence and largest clients. The signing report where we can filter by month and it will show us the working hours of the users as long as they use the work schedule control we will be able to see how many hours of work they give per day and we will also be able to download it as image or template. Then we have the vaccines report where we can filter by vaccine type.
Then we have the rating report, you can request ratings from clients who have the application, it will appear to them that we request the rating within the application and when they send the rating we will be able to see it here we will be able to request by user, for example, if they saw a doctor who seemed to have the consultation and here in this case we will be able to see how many stars they put and we can filter it by user by year or by month. And in opinion reports we will also be able to see the opinions that customers have left within the application and here we can filter it by year or by month. Those are all the reports that are in the system.
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