Creation and configuration of Certificates and Consents for patients.

Creation and configuration of Certificates and Consents for patients.

Creation of Certificates and Consents.

To enter this section you must go to the " tools " button in the left sidebar and then select " certificates and consents ". Below you can see all the certificates you have made.
To create a new certificate you must go to the button in the upper right corner of the screen " new certificate" , once there you choose the patient, the type of certificate required and the date, and click on " begin ".
You will then go to the view of the required data form, which you must complete or confirm, and at the end click on the " continue " button.
Once you have completed the required data, you will be shown a preview of the certificate and at the end of the page you can choose if said certificate requires the signature of the veterinarian, the client or some extra information such as ID/ID and photo of the signatory.

You can select from several default certificate templates, as well as create your own templates from the “ Certificate Templates ” button.

How to sign a certificate?

To sign the certificates, either by the veterinarian or the client, they can be printed and signed, or there is the option to do it virtually by accessing the link that will be shown on the screen or by scanning the QR code that is also shown on the screen.

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