Automatic customer registration function

Automatic customer registration function



Well now we are going to see the automatic registration option, we are going to go to the clients search list and at the top right we will see automatic registration. This option is useful for new clients who, for example, are waiting to be served and we can have them register their data to speed up the time of admission here there are two options we can download a banner that GVET gives us where the veterinary logo will appear here and they will be able to download it and have it in the office so that the client simply scans the code and it appears the form to register and the other option is to share the registration link. When the client enters, this form will appear where they will be able to complete their data. We will put some data, for example, the data of your pet, for example, the date of birth . fields that are mandatory and others that are not , but the client will be able to complete it when it finishes and it will appear like this. Then, in the automatic registration part, the income, the name of the client, the patient and the date will appear. There we click on continue if we want to modify any data we can do it at this moment we click on create patient and client and in this way the file of both the patient and the client is generated and they are associated and we can, for example, start a visit with that patient.

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